Dear valued customer,
We feel that it is important for our customers to know who is coming into their home and if they are spending their money wisely.
Lucas Kirby has been in the piano business for over 22 years and has been serving the area as Spokane Piano Service for 12 years. In the summer of 2021, we had discovered that a person by the name of David Abraham had maliciously created a company called Spokane Piano, fully knowing that it was effectively identical to our local business. This issue has created much confusion with our loyal customers. He had also purchased the domain name to our website due to a technical error by the company that hosts the domain. The domain company admitted their fault, but decided it was in their best interest to not transfer the domain back, likely because it would create potential legal issues with two parties instead of just one.
After contacting David and cordially trying to fix the issue, he insultingly stated that he would sell the domain name back to us for $15,000, attempting to profit from a business name that he effectively stole, and to profit from a website domain that was purchased for $20 only weeks before. Therefor, we were forced to either take legal action or go through the tedious process of rebranding.
The important part of this issue is that we have ran into numerous customers who have had major issues with David Abraham and his lack of experience and technical knowledge, which he claims he has only been doing for over a year. Lucas Kirby, as well as several other local technicians have had to fix many issues and tunings after David Abraham has left a home. For example, there are two instances of Spokane Piano moving grand pianos directly over heat vents which render any future tunings useless in as little as a week. We personally had to re-tune these pianos. One would assume that a "piano mover" who claims to "tune" pianos would know better. There have also been at least two instances where he has dropped grand pianos during moves and was not insured, leaving the customers to the task of finding someone else to make the repairs.
While it takes incredible dedication, commitment, and years of experience, the piano technical industry is one of the few that do not require licensing or certification and are not monitored by local or federal governments. This invites potential bad actors who would have their clients believe that they are experts, when, in the case of David Abraham and Spokane Piano, they are far from it. His actions have proven that he does not want to build a business from the ground up, but to cowardly get ahead by pretending he is someone he is not. Not only has he caused many problems for our business, but more importantly, he has taken advantage of unsuspecting clients who do not know otherwise.
The only place a person can go to find legitimate and experienced piano technicians is their local piano store, or more importantly, the Piano Technicians Guild, who lists all the registered members and technicians in your area.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this issue.
Best regards,
Kirby Piano Service
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